nellis air force base
The weapon was designed by the Soviets just after WWII to be towed. The weapon is designed based on a Russian 14.5mm heavy machine gun. Because ir is optically sighted and has a very low effective altitude, the U.S. Air Force reports that it is virtually useless against modern combat aircraft. However its mobility, compact size and minimal visual or radar signatures could be assets on today’s high-tech battlefield. Low-flying helicopters or tactical UAVs might be targets should they stumble upon a well-placed ZPU-1 manned by a proficient operator. Although long obsolete in the Russian military, the ZPU-1 was widely produced and exporter, and most likely can still be found throughout the world in 50 nations, particularly in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
Responcible Organization/Individual:
Nellis Air Force Base
Designed By:
United Soviet Socialist Republic

Located inside Nellis Air Force Base, 4700 Las Vegas Blvd. North, North Las Vegas, NV, 89191-6600.
GPS Coordinates:
Hours Available
Ceremonies: no
The weapon is made to be operated by a crew of four individuals. It uses 145mm ammunition and has a maximum effective range of 4,600 feet. Its rate of fire is 150 rpm. Nellis AFB is home to and displays several foreign military vehicles and weapons. The U.S. Air Force Warfare Center at Nellis reports directly to the Air Combat Command. The center was founded on Sept. 1, 1966, as the U.S. Air Force Tactical Fighter Weapons Center. It was later renamed the U.S. Air Force Warfare Center in October 2005. The Mission: The USAFWC conducts warfighter-centric live and virtual operational test and evaluation, tactics development, and advanced training to optimize Air Force capabilities and prepare airmen for joint, all domain combat operations. (Current as of August 2020).