MiG-17 Fresco aircraft
nellis air force base
An aircraft that was built to replace the MiG-15 as the Soviet Union’s primary fighter aircraft during the 1950s. Quite similar to the MiG-15, two notable exceptions of the 17 included a thinner wing of the greater sweep and a redesigned tail that improved stability and handling at speeds approaching Mach 1. The 17 was also the first Soviet fighter aircraft to have an after-burning engine. The plane was mostly associated with the Vietnam War. It was the primary enemy aircraft engaged in the skies over Vietnam by U.S. fighters during that war, and until the U.S. F-16 entered service, it was the tightest-turning fighter in the world. It is still in use today by a number of countries. It has a maximum speed of 695 mph, and a maximum range of 1120 NM. It’s armed with a 3x23mm cannon or a 1x37mm, and 2x23mm cannons, 8x57mm rocket pods, 2×55011 bombs, or 2×105 gallon drop tanks. It is operated by 22 nations including North Korea, Algeria, China, and Vietnam.
Responcible Organization/Individual:
Nellis Air Force Base
Designed By:
United Soviet Socialist Republic

4700 Las Vegas Blvd. North, North Las Vegas, NV, 89191-6600.
GPS Coordinates:
Hours Available
Ceremonies: no
Nellis AFB is home to and displays several foreign military vehicles and weapons. The U.S. Air Force Warfare Center at Nellis reports directly to the Air Combat Command. The center was founded on Sept. 1, 1966, as the U.S. Air Force Tactical Fighter Weapons Center. It was later renamed the U.S. Air Force Warfare Center in October 2005. The Mission: The USAFWC conducts warfighter-centric live and virtual operational test and evaluation, tactics development, and advanced training to optimize Air Force capabilities and prepare airmen for joint, all domain combat operations. (Current as of August 2020).