Jewish War Veterans of the United States
boulder city, nv
Gray, granite-like memorial with black lettering engraved. Organization’s logo engraved in dark red. Bold black wording reads, “1896 1996 In memory of all men and women of the Jewish faith who have served in the armed forces of the United States of America in war and peace.” In smaller lettering U.S.A. wars are listed in defending order: “American Revolution, War of 1812, Mexican War, Civil War, Spanish American War, World War 1, World War 2, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm Middle East conflicts.”
Responcible Organization/Individual:
Jewish War Veterans of the United States
Designed By:

Southern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery, 1900 Veterans Memorial Drive, Boulder City 89005.
GPS Coordinates:
Hours Available
Ceremonies: no
Memorial installed June 1996. Organization’s mission: “To provide critical assistance to veterans who have honorably served their country and now live in the context of crisis, poverty, and homelessness”
About Jewish War Veterans: “Founded in 1896, the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America is the oldest active veterans’ organization in America. JWV is dedicated to upholding America’s democratic traditions and fighting bigotry, prejudice, injustice, and discrimination of all kinds. As a national organization, JWV represents the voice of America’s Jewish veterans on issues related to veterans’ benefits, foreign policy, and national security. JWV also commits itself to the assistance of oppressed Jews worldwide.