Carson City Vietnam Veterans Wall

carson city, nv


The memorial consists of five sculpted boulders, each containing a bronze plaque engraved with the names of Nevada’s Vietnam War dead and missing. The plaques are set in stone, and the memorial is surrounded by high-desert landscaping. A flag pole and the plaque from the first Mills Park memorial stand at the center. A sandstone bench, also made by Nevada State Prison inmates affiliated with Chapter 545, was dedicated on Veterans Day 2004 honoring women who served in the Vietnam War.

Responsible Organization/Individuals

Carson Area Chapter 388 sponsored and financed the memorial, Incarcerated Chapter 545 quarried the sandstone at the Nevada State Prison, and Chapter 719 at the Northern Nevada Correctional Center physically constructed the Memorial.

Designed By:

Vietnam Veterans chapters noted above, and the Carson City Parks and Recreation department.



1111 E. William Street, Carson City, NV 89701

GPS Coordinates:

Business hours, seven days

Hours Available:

Business hours, seven days

Ceremonies: yes

Business hours, seven days


Vietnam veterans in Carson City determined that Nevada men killed or missing in the Vietnam War should be honored with a memorial. They worked with the city’s parks department to construct the memorial, which was dedicated on Veterans Day in 2002.
