Ellithorpe, William



Date of Death:

November 9, 1918

Hero Bio:

William Melvin Ellithorpe, son of Charles E., and Mary A. Ellithorpe, was born in Ouray, Colorado, February 7, 1889. He spent his early boyhood in Cripple Creek, Colorado, coming to Nevada with his parents in 1907. He was a student at the University of Nevada for three years. In July, 1915, at Reno, he was married to Lucy E. Rumbaugh. On August 15, 1918, Ellithorpe entered military training at the University of Nevada, staying in training at this post for two months; on October 14, 1918, he was sent to the Presidio, San Francisco, California.

After two weeks spent at the Presidio he was sent to Fort Winfield Scott, and from there to Fort McArthur, California. Upon arrival at Fort McArthur he was taken from the train suffering from bronchial influenza pneumonia which caused his death on November 9, 1918. His body was brought to Reno and laid to rest in Mountain View Cemetery on October 14, 1918. He had offered his all to his Country, and the people of the State of Nevada are justly proud of so true a patriot. His wife, Lucy E. Ellithorpe, 819 Mill Street, Reno, Nevada, his parents, who reside at 237 Mill Street, Reno, and a sister, Hattie, survive him.

Rank in Death:

Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death

47th Company G. A. C.
