Gallagher, Walter J.



Virginia City, Nevada, February 5th, 1887

Date of Death:

September 29, 1918

Hero Bio:

Walter John Gallagher was born in Virginia City, Nevada, February 5th, 1887. He grew up on the Comstock and became one of Virginia City’s best citizens, representing her on baseball diamonds, as a fireman in the Corporation House, and as a police officer. For a time he worked as a miner in her famous gold and silver producers. Walter Gallagher was one of Storey County’s first representatives in our army. He waived his order number and offered himself for the first quota to Camp Lewis. On the 5th of September, 1917, he entrained for American Lake, Washington, where, upon his arrival, he was placed in Company L, 362d Infantry, 91st Division. He served in that company until October 3d, when he went into Headquarters Company of the same regiment. On the 21st he was promoted to the rank of Corporal. The 91st Division landed overseas in July, 1918.

Sergeant Gallagher, who had again been promoted on the 10th of June, was with his regiment in reserve during the offensive at St. Mihiel on September 12th, going thence to the Argonne where our troops were massing. On September 26th, our army advanced along the whole Meuse-Argonne Front, the 91st Division being the fourth division from the left and starting their offensive at a point south of the Bois de Cheppy. As they pushed their battle lines northward into the forest, villages, ridges, and fortified positions fell into their hands. On September 29th, “Bloody Sunday.” they stormed the town of Gesnes. The 362d Infantry reached the town, but was ordered to fall back when it was found impossible to support the flanks. Many of our bravest men fell on the field that day, among whom was Sergeant Gallagher. It was a day that set many gold stars in Nevada’s Service Flag. Three brothers and three sisters survive the soldier. They are: Hugh J. Gallagher of 426 42nd Street, Oakland, California; Mrs. Frank Lundgren, 760 41st Street, Oakland, California; and the Misses Bernice and Eunice Gallagher of Virginia City, Nevada, and Calvert and Elmer Gallager of the latter city. Walter was a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles of Virginia City, Nevada. His remains were returned to his home city and there laid to rest.

Rank in Death:

Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death

Sergeant Headquarters Company 362d Infantry 91st Division
