Clancy, Patrick Hugh



Battle Mountain, Nevada, on December 22, 1894

Date of Death:

October 18th, 1918

Hero Bio:

Patrick Hugh Clancy was born at Battle Mountain, Lander County, Nevada, on the 22d of December, 1894. During his early years he attended schools in Sparks, and spent some time in Carson City. He was well known in Lander, Washoe and Ormsby Counties. On October 3d, 1918, he entered the army from Battle Mountain. Previous to this he had made several unsuccessful attempts to enlist, but the loss of an eye in an accident when he was younger prevented his acceptance. However, in October, 1918, he succeeded in entering in the special service class, and was sent to Fort Logan, Colorado. At that time the influenza was raging at the Fort, playing havoc with the recruits.

Hugh was among those who were attacked by the disease, and on October 18th, 1918, two weeks after his acceptance, he passed away at the Fort. His remains were returned to Nevada and buried at his old home in Battle Mountain. Hugh Clancy came from a family of patriots. Three of his brothers were also in their country’s service: David, in the American Forces in Siberia; John and Dan, in the American Expeditionary Forces in France. Five brothers and a sister survive him. The are David and William Clancy of Battle Mountain; John, of Copper Canyon; Dan, of East Ely; James M., of Carson City, and Mrs. George A. Cole, wife of State Controller Cole, of Carson City. Hugh was also a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. William Cooper of Battle Mountain, whose son, Henry Cooper was another of the Lander Country boys who gave their lives for the Flag.

Rank in Death:

Not listed

Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death

Died of Influenza soon after arrival to Fort Logan, Colorado
