Wilson, Luther J.



Pekin County, August 8, 1898

Date of Death:

March 2, 1918

Hero Bio:

Luther J. Wilson was born in the Indian Territory, in Pekin County, on the 8th of August, 1898. When he was two years old his parents started for the west in a wagon. They crossed the plains and the Rockies and halted at last in the Blue Mountains in Oregon, after having faced many hardships and dangers on the way. They next went to Vancouver, Washington, then started moving south, and finally settled in the Rogue River Valley. There Luther spent his boyhood and graduated from the eighth grade in school. Luther was yet under the age of majority when he came to Nevada to make his home in Sparks. He was of a sunny and jovial temperament which easily brought him new and true friends and which counted him many acquaintances in every community that knew him. Be it said to the everlasting credit of Luther Wilson, that he was one of those red-blooded Americans who recognized the obligation of every man to serve his country, whether he was of draft age or not, as long as he was not withheld by the obligation of supporting his kinsfolk. When the nation called its men to arms, he volunteered his services in the army although at the time he was only nineteen years old. He was sworn in at Fort McDowell, California, on January 8th, 1918.

Luther was in the service less than two months. While serving in the Aviation Section of the Signal Corps at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, he was attacked with broncho pneumonia which led to his death at that post on the 2d of March, 1918. He rests now in the cemetery at Phoenix, Oregon, leaving to mourn his absence his parents, Joseph L. and Capitolia Wilson, and his brothers and sisters, Laurence, Charles, Dora, Harvey, Orla, Ora, and Edna Wilson, all of Phoenix, Oregon.

Rank in Death:

Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death

17th Company Aviation Section Signal Corps
