Hero Bio:
LUTE DAVIS was a son of Luther and Julia Davis, both since deceased, of Gold Hill, Storey County, Nevada, where Lute was born on the 30th of January, 1891. He spent his early life on the Comstock, but previous to entering the army was residing near Reno in Washoe County. He was among the boys of the Washoe contingent who left for Camp Lewis, Washington, on June 25th, 1918. Until the 15th of July he served in the 13th Company, 4th Battalion, 1 66th Depot Brigade, when he was transferred to Company H, 160th Infantry, 40th Division. On August 8th he embarked for France, having been then less than seven weeks in the army.
About the 9th of September he went with replacements into Company H , 127th Infantry, 32nd Division, which division had only recently been engaged in the battle just north of Soissons. On October 4th, they relieved the 91st Division south of Gesnes and advanced over the same ground across which the 91st had made its famous charges on September 29th. The 32d left historic Gesnes in its rear as it advanced toward Romagne-sous-Montfaucon, and battled its way northward in the second great phase of the Meuse-Argonne Offensive. During this advance Private Lute Davis was compelled to leave the lines owing to a serious attack of pneumonia. Every attempt was made to save his life, but the disease; had gained such headway that it could not be successfully combated. He died on the 13th of October, 1918, and with his going Nevada lost a valiant soldier.
Those who survive him are his brothers and sisters, Thomas F. Davis, of 750 Divisadero Street, San Francisco, California, and Robert J. and Ellen Maud Davis, both of Gold Hill, Nevada.
Rank in Death:
Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death
Company H 127th Infantry 32d Division