Chartz, Karl W.

Virginia City, Nevada, March 7, 1893
Date of Death:
October 19, 1918
Hero Bio:
Karl W. Chartz was born in Virginia City, Nevada, March 7, 1893. The family moved to Carson City when he was an infant, where he grew up and received his education in the public schools. He became well and favorably known throughout the community. After completing his school work he entered the furniture business in a firm known in a firm known as Durst and Chartz. His efforts were so successful that he was later enabled to take over the whole business and manage it for himself. During this time he was active in club and lodge work. Soon after the war broke out Karl wished to enter the Service, but failed in his attempt on physical grounds. However, he was later given the chance to enter the ranks, and with his wish gratified, he sold out his business and left for Fort Logan, Colorado, October 2d, 1918. Nine days after his arrival at the Fort, and before he had yet been assigned to a regiment, he was taken sick with influenza. A week later (October 19, 1918) he passed away in in the camp hospital. His remains were returned to Carson City for burial.
Practically every man, woman and child in Ormsby County knew Karl Chartz while he lived among them. His sunny nature and never failing honesty of purpose made him worthy of the confidence and respect in which he was held. He had wished sincerely to serve his country, and when the time came for him to do so, although his days in the army were short, he met his fate under the flag as a noble American soldier. Besides his parents, Attorney Alfred Jean Chartz and Emma Katarina Chartz, of Carson City, one brother, John M. Chartz, District Attorney of Ormsby County, and two sisters, Mrs. Helen Haley, of San Bernardino, California, and Miss Beatrice Chartz of Carson City survive him. Fraternally he was a member of the Order of Eagles in Carson City.
Rank in Death:
Not listed
Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death
9th Recruit Company Fort Logan