John W. Jackson, Jr.



Not Listed

Date of Death:

August 11, 1919

Hero Bio:

John Wilbur Jackson, Junior, commonly known as William Jackson, came to Nevada when a boy of twelve or thirteen years. His mother had died about a year previous to this time, and the father sold out his small farm in Illinois and moved to Lovelock in Humboldt (now in Pershing) County. The boy worked on the large ranches around Lovelock until the time of his enlistment in the Navy (October, 1917) and made many friends in the valley. He was a member of Buena Vista Lodge No. 21, I. O. O. F., of Lovelock. Going to Sacramento, California, he enlisted in the Navy in the month of October.

Later he served on the U. S. S. Kearsarge, and still later on the “Chicago”. While on the Atlantic Coast in the latter ship, he was accidentally injured and was taken to the American Red Cross Naval Hospital at Chelsea, Massachusetts. There he died August 11, 1919. John Wilbur Jackson, Senior, lived for some time in Reno, but left there, presumably for Arizona. All efforts to locate him so far failed, although the I. O. O. F. Lodge of Lovelock has used every means at its disposal toward that end. The members now believe that he has since joined his gallant son in that happier land.

Rank in Death:

Seaman, First Class

Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death

United States Navy
