Jones, John Joseph



Park City, Utah, April 10, 1891

Date of Death:

July 22, 1918

Hero Bio:

John Joseph Jones, son of Moses and Elizabeth Ann Jones, was born in Park City, Utah, April 10th, 1891. When nine years old, he moved with the family to Contact, Elko County, Nevada, in which town they remained for two years. They then went to Idaho and made their home in that state until 1916, moving then back to Contact. John worked for some months in the Long Hike Mine in Jarbridge, and later ran a truck between Jarbridge and Rogerson, Idaho, but he again returned to Contact to work in the mines there and to give some time to prospects held by himself and his brothers. He was of sober, temperate habits, conscientious in his work, and the future held many bright outlooks for him. However, when the call to the Colors came, he gladly put aside his personal ambitions and entered the ranks of or Country’s defenders (February 19th, 1918).

Little is known of his service except that he was first placed in the 458th Aero Construction Squadron and later served in the 74th Aero Construction Squadron until the time of his death. He died from blood poisoning after receiving injuries while on duty at Fort Stevens, Oregon, July 22nd, 1918.

Besides his parents, who live at 168 Adams Street, Twin Falls, Idaho, he is survived by four brothers, R. M., R. B., Harold A., and Paul J. Jones, all of Contact, Nevada, and two sisters, the Misses Annie E. and Lucy A. Jones, of 168 Adams Street, Twin Falls, Idaho. His name holds an honored place in the long list of Elko County boys who made the supreme sacrifice for their country.

Rank in Death:

Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death

74th Aero Construction Squadron
