Glasmeier, Herman G.
Newark, Ohio, March 15th, 1895
Date of Death:
January 15, 1918
Hero Bio:
Herman G. Glasmeier was born at Newark, Ohio, March 15th, 1895. He received a good common school education before he was sixteen years old, and thereafter entered the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad shops in Newark as an apprentice. Having served about a year of his apprenticeship, he decided to see something of the country and left Newark for Chicago. From there he went in turn to Joliet, Salt Lake City, Green River, and Sparks, Nevada. On December 15th, 1917, he volunteered in the army, going to Fort McDowell, California. There he was placed in the 3d Squadron, 1st Provisional Regiment, Air Service, Signal Corps, and sent to Camp McArthur, at Waco, Texas. Less than a month later he was taken seriously ill which led to blood poisoning in the head.
His father hurried to his side and was with him seven days before he passed away (January 15, 1918). The remains of this volunteer soldier were taken to his old home in Newark and laid beside his mother in the Cider Hill Cemetery. He had served his country but a month and was yet rated only as a recruit, but the noble devotion with which he had offered and given his all to America places him as is his due, in the highest rank of our fallen patriots. Those who survive him are his father, John Glasmeier, of Newark, Ohio, three brothers, John and Charley, of Newark, and George, of Troy, Ohio, and a sister, Pauline, of Newark.
Rank in Death:
Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death
3d Squadron 1st Provisional Regiment Air Service Signal Corps