Yelland, Henry J.
Spring Valley, Nevada, July 23, 1894
Date of Death:
January 25, 1918
Hero Bio:
Henry James Yelland was born at Spring Valley, White Pine County, Nevada, July 23d, 1894. He was raised on the ranch of his father and on the open ranges, growing up to be a stalwart young frontiersman with a great love for Nature and her varied forms of life. The big-hearted boy with his ever smiling face guarded the sheep on the ranch, of which he had become part owner, in addition to his other work. He was an expert at trapping and hunting, and killed a great number of mountain lions which were preying upon his stock, at one time bagging five of them in one place, at another killing one that weighed over 300 pounds. When the Nation called its sons to arms Nevada sent one of its finest specimens of manhood in the person of Henry James Yelland. He entrained for Camp Lewis, Washington, on October 4th, 1917, as a recruit assigned to the 61st Company, 16th Battalion, 166th Depot Brigade. Not long after, he was transferred to Company L, 163d Infantry Regiment, 41st Division, with which he went east to Camp Merritt, New Jersey, on the first step of a voyage over-seas.
But is was not his fate to sail with his brothers in ranks for on the 25th of January, 1918, while confined in the Embarkation Hospital at Hoboken, New Jersey, with pneumonia, he quietly passed away to the great beyond where rest was awaiting him.
The remains were returned to Ely, Nevada, and buried with all military and civil honors. He was the first young man from White Pine County to give his life for his Country and the first to receive the silent homage of his fellow men. In his honor all business and public houses were closed during the funeral ceremonies which were attended by thousands of his former friends and admirers. Those who remained to mourn his loss were his parents, John and Ellen Yelland of Taft Ranch, Aurum, Nevada; his brothers Richard Arthur and Louis C. Yelland; and his sisters, Mrs. Miriam Yturiaga and Mrs. Edith Robison of Taft Ranch.
Rank in Death:
Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death
Company L, 163d Infantry 41st Division