Hero Bio:
Corporal Harold Martin was born at Winnemucca, Humboldt County, Nevada, in the year 1892. He volunteered in the regular army from Winnemucca, on July 14th, 1914. Served in Troop E, 7th Cavalry until August 15, 1917, in Company C, Horse Battalion; and in the Ammunition Train of the 1st Division until his death.
He was made a corporal on June 18, 1918, and went overseas on August 13, 1917. Died of disease June 11, 1918. Person notified of death, Mrs. D. F. Smelser, sister, Box 243, Pixley, California. No communication could be established with relatives or acquaintances. His name is on the Honor Roll of Humboldt County.
Rank in Death:
Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death
Corporal Ammunition Train 1st Division