Dailey, George Samuel

Exeter, California, June 1, 1889
Date of Death:
September 16, 1918
Hero Bio:
GEORGE SAMUEL DAILEY was born on his father’s ranch at Exeter, California, June 1, 1889. The greater part of his life was spent at Exeter where he received his education in the public schools. He was well known and liked throughout the community. A t the time of his enlistment he was engaged to be married to Miss Laura Davis of Virginia City, Nevada, and some time before he entered the service he had transferred horn Fresno, California, to Reno, Nevada, in order to spend a little time near her. He was the owner of twenty acres of land at Orange Cove, Fresno County, California, where he expected to make a home for himself and his bride.
On December 13th, 1917, he enlisted from Virginia City, Storey County, in Company B, 27th Infantry, then at Fort McDowell, California. There he remained until January 5th, 1918, when his regiment sailed for Manila. From that time until the 7th of August, he served in the Islands. About this time the United States Government found it necessary to send a force to Siberia as a. part of the Allied Expedition there. Accordingly, on August 7th, the 27th Infantry was sent from Manila to Vladivostok. Two weeks after the regiment landed, Private Dailey was taken from the ranks with broncho pneumonia. He never recovered from the attack, and on the 16th of September, 1918, passed away at Vladvostok. His remains were returned to the States and buried on November 1 6th in the Dailey family plot in the Exeter Cemetery.
George was a son of Ben F. Dailey, one of the oldest pioneers of Tulare County, and Ruth Dailey, deceased. He was a faithful member of the Baptist Church, which he joined at the age of eighteen. Besides his father and step-mother, a brother, Frank, and two sisters, Mrs. Bertha Butts and Lulu Dailey reside at Exeter. Another sister, Mrs. Ellen Howard of Strathmore, California, also survives him.
Rank in Death:
Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death
Company B 27th Infantry