Snare, Ferney G.

Mt. Sterling, Iowa, March 27, 1893
Date of Death:
October 20, 1918
Hero Bio:
Ferney George Snare was born in Mt. Sterling, Iowa, March 27th, 1893. In 1901, the family moved to Reno, Nevada, where Ferney entered school. He graduated from the grammar and high schools of Reno, and entered the University of Nevada with the class of 1918. After finishing his Junior year in the study of Agriculture, he moved to Elko County. He had been a member of the Glee Club and the Sigma Nu Fraternity during his college life. On the 28th of June, he left his home at Lurline in Ruby Valley, Elko County, to enter the service, going first to Tucson, Arizona. From there he was transferred to Camp Sheridan, Alabama, and rose in rank until he had been made 1st Sergeant in Company K, 67th Infantry.
In October, 1918, he was to have entered an Officer’s Training Camp, but five days before the time came, he took a severe cold after a hard march and a drenching in the rain, which turned to pneumonia. On the 20th of October, 1918, he passed away at Camp Sheridan, having given the best he had to his country. He was a member of the Methodist Church of Reno, Nevada,—a man who feared God and kept his precepts. As a son and brother, he loved his home and family; as a man he did all that any true American can do. He was laid to rest in the cemetery of the Knights of Pythias at Elko, Nevada, of which he was lodge he was a member. Besides his parents, Robert and Agnes Snare, of Bonaparte, Iowa, he leaves a sister, Mrs. Mary Sharp, of Ruby Valley, Nevada
Rank in Death:
First Sergeant
Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death
Company K 67th Infantry 9th Division