Buck, Everett Nathaniel



Rockdale, Texas, April 26, 1895

Date of Death:

February 10th, 1918

Hero Bio:

Everett Nathaniel Buck, son of J. Holman Buck and Minnie Alzo Cowart Buck was born in Rockdale, Texas, April 26, 1895. For many years his father has been well known throughout Nevada as a newspaperman, and is now editor of the Western Nevada Miner, published at Mina, Mineral County, Nevada. His mother died when he was but eight years old. The boy himself was also engaged in newspaper work, was a bright writer with a splendid future before him. In addition, he was interested in mining enterprises with his father, and upon the day war was declared with Germany was working with his brother at their mine. The two boys went down into Mina that night and on the following day, April 7, 1917, sent in their names for enlistment in the Army. Both were accepted at Fort McDowell, California, and assigned to Troop H. 1 st Cavalry.

While drilling at Calexico, California, the older son, Everett, was overcome by the excessive heat. He never recovered from it, and on February 10th, 1918, died at Fort Bayard, New Mexico. His brother, Joseph K. Buck, re-enlisted in August 1919, and was stationed at Camp McKinley, Fort Rizol, Philippine Islands. His father and
a sister, Mrs. L. E. Cornelius, both of Mina, Nevada, also survive him.

The State of Nevada and the people of Mineral County hold in highest honor the memory of the patriotic boy who waited not a day after his Country called to offer his services. Since the dawn of our national history, it has been the unselfish devotion of such young Americans as he that has made us the Nation which we are today.

Rank in Death:

Not listed

Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death

Troop H. 1 st Cavalry,
