Twaddle, Ernest



Reno, Nevada, October 5, 1895

Date of Death:

March 21, 1919

Hero Bio:

Ernest Twaddle was born on a farm about five miles from Reno, Nevada, on the 5th of October, 1895. In November, 1905, the family moved to Reno, where Ernest attended school until 1915. At that time he entered the Fire Department of the City of Reno. On the 25th of July, 1917, while living in Reno, he was married to Miss Clara S. Block. The following summer (June 10, 1918), a baby girl was born to them, who will grow up to honor her brave soldier father—her father who was serving the Flag in France at the time of her birth.
Ernest entered the Service with a body of Washoe County men, and left Reno for Camp Lewis, Washington, on November 3, 1917. He was in the 166th Depot Brigade there until December 4th when he received his transfer to the 667th Aero Squadron at Kelly Field, San Antonio, Texas.

With this unit he landed in France in April, 1918, going to Romorantin in the Department of Loire et Cher. On the 1st of May, he was made a Private, First Class, and, being an expert chauffeur, qualified for that rank of August 17th. In the following spring he suffered an attack of bronchial pneumonia, from which, on March 21st, 1919, he passed away in Camp Hospital 43, at Romorantin. He was buried in American Hospital Number 159, near Pruniers, France.

Besides his wife, Mrs. Clara S. Twaddle-Melvers and little daughter, who reside at 240 North Virginia Street, Reno, Nevada, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eben Twaddle, of Sheridan, Nevada; a sister, Alice Twaddle, and two brothers, George and Eben Twaddle, survive him.

Rank in Death:


Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death

667th Aero Squadron
