Bruce, Daniel Eldred



Aspen, Colorado, November 5, 1891

Date of Death:

October 19, 1918

Hero Bio:

Daniel Eldred Bruce, eldest son of Daniel H. and Cornelia Bruce, was born at Aspen, Colorado, November 5, 1891. He was a resident of Nevada fourteen years before entering the service, part of the time in school and part in mining. Records show that his life, whether as a student or in civilian walks, was never without accomplishments.
After graduating from the Reno High School, he entered the Mackay School of Mines at the University of Nevada. At different times he was President of the Engineering Club, Major of the Cadet Battalion, and member of the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Fraternity, to which he was elected for excellence in scholarship. He graduated
with a brilliant record behind him.

Following his graduation, he was employed by different mining companies in the State, and for a year was again at the University, this time as an instructor in Art. On August 6th, 1917, he was married to Miss Hazel Tannehill.
About a year later (September 1918) he entered the Ensign’s Training School at Mare Island, California, attaining highest honors in a class of sixty competitors. He had been there less than two months when the influenza appeared at the training station. Those ambitious spirits who loathed the inactivity of the hospital cot were the surest to
go, and he was among them. When fever and suffering had neared their height his courage was undaunted. “Feeling fine” was the message he had them send to cheer his young wife. On October 19, 1918, his tortures ceased, and a willing hand, a kindly nature and a master brain were no more on this earth.

His widow, Mrs. Hazel V. Bruce, and his parents reside at 453 Ridge Street, Reno, Nevada. Three brothers, Waite, Herbert, and the late Leslie Bruce also survived him. The first two were likewise in the Service.

Rank in Death:

Not listed

Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death

Had just entered the Ensign's Training School at Mare Island, California
