Austin R. Kernek



Gatewood, Missouri, December 12, 1889

Date of Death:

November 6, 1918

Hero Bio:

Austin Richard Kernek was born December 12th, 1889, at Gatewood, Missouri. From there he moved to Popular Bluff, Missouri, and in November, 1910, came west, taking up his residence in Reno, Nevada. While there he lived with his brother, Louis E. Kernek, at 604 North Center Street, and was employed in the Doris Garage. On November 3d, 1917, he entrained for Camp Lewis, Washington, with other Washoe County boys who were on their way to the army ranks to give their service, and perhaps their lives to the Flag. At the camp he was placed in the 37th Company, 166th Depot Brigade, with which he served until November 27th, going then into the 812 Aero Squadron at Kelly Field, Texas. Later he made two other transfers, the first time to the 212th Aero Squadron, June 15th, the second to the Aviation Repair Depot No. 3, 882d Aero Squadron, at Montgomery, Alabama, July 15th. On September 1st, he was made Corporal. During the month of November, he contracted influenza which developed into broncho pneumonia and carried him away (November 6, 1918). He was buried in the Masonic Cemetery, at Reno, Nevada.

Austin Kernek was everywhere known and respected in Reno, and was a member of Reno Lodge No. 13, F. & A. M. His mother, Mrs. Carolina Kernek, of Clarita, Oklahoma, and his brothers, Louis Kernek, and Julius Kernek, of Reno, Nevada; Henry E. Kernek, Poplar Bluff, Missouri; George Kernek, Holdenville, Oklahoma; sisters, Mrs. Jennie O’Neal, Coalgate, Oklahoma, and Mrs. Lena Kernek O’Neal, 911 Osage., Muskogee, Oklahoma, were left surviving him.

Rank in Death:

Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death

Corporal Aviation Repair Depot No. 3 882d Aero Squadron
