Davin, Amie Frank

Modesto, California, June 25, 1892
Date of Death:
October 21, 1918
Hero Bio:
AMIE FRANK DAVIN was born in Modesto, California, June 25th, 1892. In 1889 the family moved to Reno, Washoe County, Nevada, where the son Amie entered school. Thereafter he was employed in garage work in that city. Besides his experience in automobile work in Reno, he at different times drove auto-stage in Arizona, located and sold some tungsten claims near Oatman, and was employed by Mr. William Jack of Salinas, California. In July, 1918, he went to San Francisco, California, and entered the army service. From there he was sent to Camp Lewis, Washington, being assigned to Motor Ambulance Company 25 1, 13th Division Sanitary Train. He remained at the Camp continuously thereafter until his career was blighted by a sudden attack of acute appendicitis in the month of October. On the 21st of the month he passed away, and his remains were returned to his home in Reno for burial. The interment took place on October 27th, 1918.
Letters written by the young soldier lay bare the whole-heartedness with which he served and the hope he nourished that he might play a more active part in the conflict. On one occasion he wrote: ” I am sure anxious to get going. I think the happiest day of my life will be when I step off a transport on French soil. . . . At any rate, my only wish is that I can get on the other side to help put the finishing touches on ‘Germany.” A n d again— “I am glad to know you and mother are showing your patriotism by buying Liberty Bonds. A n d I know i f you were younger you would be right in here with me. I am proud of you both. . . . I think I will buy another Liberty Bond when they ask me. I understand they are going to ask all the soldiers to buy a bond.”
His patriotic wishes were fated never to be fulfilled, yet he did his share as nobly as if he had indeed reached the trenches. His name is written on the roll of those Washoe County boys who gave their all for their country. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Davin, of 77 High Street, Reno, Nevada. Besides his parents, two sisters, Mrs. Thomas Galbraith, and Miss Louise Davin, and a brother, John, survive him. His parents came from France.
Rank in Death:
Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death
Motor Ambulance Company 251 13th Division Sanitary Train